Civil Engineering

  • Curing of concrete

    Curing of concrete

    The curing work is required to gain the optimum strength, hardness, durability, water tightness, wear resistance, and volume stability. The function of curing is to maintain the required moisture content and temperature to allow hydration…

  • Stirrups


    Stirrups aid to combine the effects of tension and compression. They also serve to absorb the shearing and torsional stress and serve as mounts for other reinforcement elements. Stirrups help to keep the main reinforcement…

  • Stools in slab concreting

    Stools in slab concreting

    Stools are used to separate the top reinforcement mesh and bottom reinforcement mesh. It’s essential to maintain the accurate thickness of the slab. Dimensions of the Stools could be changed as per requirement. Those should…

  • Bar schedule

    Bar schedule

    Bar bending schedule is a tabular representation of the reinforcement bar and it’s crucial for each type of R.C.C work. Bar bending schedule refers to a vital structural working document that is used for obtaining…

  • Cover Block

    Cover Block

    The cover is required to protect the reinforcement bars against corrosion, fire, and atmospheric agencies. Concrete cover blocks are essential to keep a gap between concrete and reinforcement to prevent the reinforcement from rusting.  If…

  • Random rubble masonry

    Random rubble masonry

    Random rubble(RR) masonry is a construction technique where the stones are arranged randomly and there are no regular courses of uniform height. Generally, 6”- 9” stones can be used at the construction sites either hammer-dressed…

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